We are the Gaydos, Jenschke, and Dorroh families!
It all started in 1993 when Will and Michelle Gaydos were married. In 1994 they had their first of many daughters, Katie. 1996 came and along came their second daughter Jamie. 10 years later they expanded their family and had Emilie, their third daughter. Then Macie was born in 2008, their fourth and final daughter. Will and Michelle decided to have one more and were surprised with a boy, Willie! Years have passed and Katie is now married to John Jenschke. Jamie is married to Justin Dorroh and together they have two children, Jebediah and Josephine.
Since there are so many of us girls we have teamed up to do what we have always dreamed of doing. Opening a boutique. We hope you enjoy our online store as much as we do!
Left to Right
Emilie, Katie, Jamie holding Josephine, Macie, & Michelle